
group drugs IBS

Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) is a condition affecting the digestive system. Bloating, cramps, diarrhoea and constipation are all common symptoms of IBS. However with the help of antispasmodics, IBS can be treated. I will be discussing two different brands of antispasmodics that are both licensed as general sale list medicines (GSL). General sale list medicines are often referred to as the “over-the-counter” medicines which can be bought from pharmacies or supermarkets without the supervision of a pharmacist.

Busucpan and Colpermin

Antispasmodic medicines are used to treat the pain and spasms caused by IBS. They work by helping to relax the muscles in the digestive system. As food moves along your gut, muscles in your gut contract and relax. These contraction are meant to happen in a regular pattern however someone with IBS experiences these muscle contractions too frequently which therefore results in pain and bloating.

So by taking antispasmodics the smooth muscle in your gut will relax to relieve pain and spasms. This usually takes an hour after taking the medication but the effectiveness of the antispasmodic depends on dosage and how frequently you take them.


Busupan is one of the many medicines used to treat IBS. They contain the active ingredient hyoscine butlybromide which stops Acetylcholine ( a neurotransmitter) from acting on the smooth muscle in your gut. Acetylcholine is the transmitter substance associated with causing contraction in the muscles once it bind the receptors on the post-synaptic membrane of the motor neurone. The motor neurone is then connected to an effector such as the smooth muscle in your gut.


Colpermin is another type of antispasmodic medicine which contains peppermint oil. This helps to aid digestion because its carminative meaning it can remove excess gas in the gut and also prevent it from forming which is particularity helpful in reducing bloating.

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